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Differences In Size And Specifications

NBA and WNBA Basketball Sizes

Differences in Size and Specifications

The NBA and WNBA use basketballs with different sizes and specifications. The NBA's standard basketball has a diameter between 943 and 951 inches, while the WNBA's ball has a diameter of between 907 and 923.

WNBA Ball Circumference

The regulation WNBA ball has a minimum circumference of 285 inches and weighs 200 ounces. This makes it 285 inches (72 cm) smaller in circumference and weighs 2 ounces (57 g) less than the NBA ball.

Official Size

The official size of the WNBA ball is 285 inches in circumference, one inch smaller than the NBA ball (295 inches). This corresponds to a standard size 6 basketball, which is slightly smaller than the men's basketball at 9 inches (23 cm).


